Friday, September 2, 2011

Ahhh! Literary Festival

So... I've been doing little bit of work on the Carolina Mountains Literary Festival lately. (Not only do I need a sarcastic font, but after writing the last sentence, I'll also be calling for the gross-understatement font.)
Here... I'll give you a taste of what I've been up to:
Graphic Design

Maintaining the Literary Festival Blog:
Actually, very few of these entries are written by me, but by a host of local writers who have taken the time to review work of the authors who coming to the literary festival. Some really good books are represented. I've been trying to post a review a day.
Press Release Queen:
Which press release do you want? The generic one, or the one focusing on the film, or kids' activities, or authors who you might mistakenly overlook, or the one of interest to visual artists? And did I mention that these press releases have landed me radio spots and ACK! a live TV studio interview. ... and answer to the #1 question: When will it air? is "Well, considering it waslive and I did it at noon on Wednesday... it's already aired." Thank heavens I didn't tape it and they haven't posted it online (even though I half-heartedly requested it). I really have no desire to be confronted with not meeting my own standards.
I am not involved in of any fundraising, money-handling, schedule-making, volunteer finding, food preparation, or venue organizing! And thank goodness for those volunteers who are!

Now, since I'm also presenting this year, I suppose I'd better figure out which poems I'm going to read!

1 comment:

AC Edwards said...

Gave one of your chapbooks to Cleveland Winfield, a HS English teacher who ran the poetry workshop I attended over the summer.