Saturday, December 12, 2015

Rules for Meetings

Between church, school, theatre, literary festival etc. I have attended a fair number of meetings over the last 20 years. Some I dread, some are effective, some are social events, some are rewarding... I just got to thinking what if I could make rules for meetings...Hmmmm. Granted, meetings serve different functions for different personality types, but if I could make rules for meetings, they would be these:

#1 - No complaining.
#2 - No saying anything about other people not in attendance you would not say to their face if they were present. 
#3 - If you have identified a perceived “problem,” you may only bring it up if you can suggest two potential solutions to that problem that are within the scope of the committee’s personnel and finances. 
#4 - A thank-you card must be written and sent to at least one person not present. 
#5 - We will make assignments of specific tasks to be accomplished by the next meeting and everyone at the meeting will take at least one. We will report back to the committee when that task is done. 
#6 - We will set a next meeting date before people leave. 
#7 - There will be agendas before meetings (well in advance) and minutes afterwards (shortly thereafter).
Make it so.
These are primarily rules for my own personal conduct - so I bring my best self to the table.

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